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Terms and Conditions

This website is made available by Automatorr ABN 18 648 549 955 of Sydney, NSW 2000.

The word ‘website’ means and includes our social media pages where available.

When you read the words ‘we’, ‘us’, or ‘our’, it means Automatorr. The words ‘you’, ‘user’ or ‘your’ means you,the visitor of our website.

By using our website, you are agreeing to be automatically bound by these terms and conditions,

ourdisclaimerandprivacy policy(collectively referred to as ‘terms’). We encourage you to read and

understand our terms before using our website. If you don’t agree, your remedy is to stop using our website.

We may update our terms from time to time and the new provisions will apply from the date they are updated.We have included a ‘last updated’ date at the top of these terms to help you keep track of any changes.Feedback, comments or complaints

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will usually respond within five business days.


What is Automatorr?

Automatorr is a website that connects businesses (hirers) with skilled and experienced automation andartificial intelligence experts, business analysts and solution architects (RPA Developers). RPA Developersmay be engaged on a freelance basis to complete specific projects or to deliver pre-priced job packages, oras an employee on an ongoing basis.

Hirers and RPA Developers are able to communicate directly with each other through the website and workout their own terms of projects, job packages or employment.How does it work?For job seekers:

You must be at least 18 years old and have a certain level of skill in Robotic Processing Automation (RPA) andArtificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, NLP, etc.) to qualify for an account on our website. We will ask youquestions about your age, education, level of skill and work experience when you set up your account and youagree to provide us true and correct details. If it comes to our attention that you have provided falseinformation on your profile, we may permanently ban you from our website.

Please note that you will be required to connect your Facebook and or Linkedin profile to your account as partof our verification process. You will also be required to undergo an identity verification process duringregistration where we will ask you to provide certain information and photographs. Once your profile isverified by us, you can start applying for jobs or wait for hirers to reach out to you.

We strongly encourage you to confirm with your hirer what your role is and the work arrangements for thatrole before starting work. At a minimum, you should ask them how they will pay you, how often they will payyou, and whether tax and superannuation (if you are located in Australia) will be paid for you.

You warrant that you will be available to perform any work you have secured through our website at thetime(s) you and the hirer have agreed on. If it comes to our attention that you have failed to perform work atthe agreed times for no valid reason, we may ban you from our website.For hirers:

You agree to provide true and correct details when setting up an account with us. If it comes to our attentionthat you have provided false information on your profile, we may permanently ban you from our website.

Once you complete your profile, you will be able to view RPA Developers’ profiles.

You must always act respectfully and professionally when interacting with RPA Developers. This includestaking into consideration a RPA Developer’s specific circumstances (ie. age, location, availability) whenarranging interviews or making other work arrangements.

If you engage an RPA Developer as an employee, you must meet the minimum standards of employmentwhich may vary depending on where the RPA Developer is located. You need to ensure that you are payingappropriate wages, and where applicable, providing employee entitlements, contributing to superannuation,withholding tax and complying with any other legal obligations. We have no involvement in the workrelationship. It remains your sole responsibility to comply with your employer obligations.

Please note that wage theft is a serious offence in Australia and may expose you to a criminal penalty of up toten years’ imprisonment.

All care, no responsibility

We will verify each RPA Developer’s profile by asking for their government issued ID and/or social mediaprofiles. Please understand that this is only to check the RPA Developer’s identity and not the RPA Developer’sskills, qualifications or work experience.

RPA Developers will be asked to upload certificates to show their skills and proficiency in a particularsoftware. However, it is the hirers’ sole responsibility to check the validity and accuracy of any certificate,licences or other proof of qualifications provided by RPA Developers. We do not make any representations orguarantees about a RPA Developer’s skills or experiences.

We do not have a verification process for hirers. We encourage RPA Developers to use identity checkmeasures to confirm the identity of the hirer, which at a minimum, should include searching on ASIC (or if thebusiness is in another country, searching the company register of that country) to see if the company isregistered.

We make no recommendations or comments on the quality, suitability, or reliability of any user. We also do nottake any responsibility for the validity and accuracy of any information shared or received through ourwebsite.

We are only here to help you connect and do not have any direct relationship with users. All interviewarrangements and or work arrangements are made between hirers and RPA Developers directly, at their ownrisk and responsibility. We are not responsible for any payments to be paid, the quality of work to beperformed or any outcomes.


While every care is taken, we make no representations about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness,completeness and accuracy of anything contained on our website for any purpose, to the maximum extentpermitted by applicable law. Anything contained on our website is provided “as is” without warranty orcondition of any kind. You acknowledge and agree that you use our website at your own risk.

We make no guarantees about an hirer’s ability to hire a suitable RPA Developer or a RPA Developer’s ability tosecure work and earn an income as a result of using our website.

Our website may contain links to websites operated by third parties (linked sites). The linked sites are notunder our control, and we are not responsible for the contents of a linked site. We are also not responsible forany form of transmission you receive from any linked site. You should contact the relevant third party directlyif you have any questions.

Any information available on or via our website may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes areperiodically made to our website.

Payment and refunds

How do you pay Automatorr?

RPA Developers can use our website for free and access all features including creating profiles, searching forand applying for jobs.

Hirers have to register as Employer before being able to post jobs, interact with RPA Developers or to award

jobs to RPA Developers. Please see our pricing schedule for more details

We may use Stripe or PayPal to process payments. We do not collect or store payment details.

Service Fee

Automatorr will take an 11% service fee from the payment due to the RPA Developers for each job they secureand complete through this website.

Automatorr will charge a service fee equivalent to 5% of the job price hirer for each job the hirer awards to anRPA Developer through this website.

Where a job is not completed to the satisfaction of the hirer, the hirer will not be charged a service fee for re-awarding the same job to another RPA Developer.

How do RPA Developers get paid?For project-based services or job packages, hirers are required to deposit the full amount of project fees (Escrow) before the RPA Developer will be notified to start the job. The project fees need toinclude the RPA Developer’s service fees, Automatorr’s service fees and Escrow’s service fees.

Escrow is a third-party platform that will hold the project fees while the RPA Developer completes therequested job.

Once the job is completed to the satisfaction of the hirer, the funds will be released and payment willautomatically occur as follows:

Escrow will take its service fees from those funds;

Automatorr will take its service fees (RPA Developer service fee and hirer service fee) from those funds;


the balance will be paid to the RPA Developer.

Your account

You agree that it is your responsibility:

to keep your contact details up to date

not to create more than one account using the same email with Automatorr

not to share your username and password with anyone

to create backup copies of any content you post or store on our website at your own cost and expense

We reserve the right to remove your account from our website for any reason and without explanation. If thathappens, you will lose all access to our website. The contact details of other users or your previouscommunications with them through our website will not be recoverable unless you have kept a recordyourself.

No unlawful or prohibited use

As a condition of your use of our website, you warrant that you will not use our website for any purpose thatis unlawful, immoral, or prohibited by these terms and conditions.

You expressly agree not to:

engage in threatening, harassing or defamatory behaviour

hack into areas of our website that are not intentionally made available to you

use our website in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair our website or

interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of our website

use the website as a lead generation tool for the benefit of your own business, or to manufacture “lists” in

order to help your own business, without our prior written approval

engage in any internal or external spamming, or other similar actions

decompile, reverse engineer, or try to copy or imitate our website or underlying content


We exercise no control over and are not responsible for any reviews or feedback provided between users. Wereserve the right to screen, edit or remove content from our website for any reason, but are not obliged toexercise that right.


If we receive a complaint about any behaviour related to the use of our website, we may investigate thecomplaint and ask the person being complained about to provide their version of events. We reserve the rightto but do not guarantee that we will remove a person from our website if we receive a complaint.

We have no responsibility to attempt to resolve complaints between users of our website. If you have anemployment related complaint in Australia, you should contact the Fair Work


Copyright, Trademarks and other Intellectual Property

Automatorr owns the intellectual property rights in the contents of the website or has permission to use ordisplay the material on the website.


You may only use our website content for your own personal use (that includes the purpose of employingpeople in your business) and not for any commercial purpose. Sharing our content without our prior writtenpermission is expressly prohibited.

Any content posted on our website by third parties are the responsibility of those third parties and may besubject to copyright. You must ask permission from the third party before using any of their content.


If we believe you have infringed out intellectual property rights, we will contact you and ask you to stop.

If you believe there is material on our website that infringes third party intellectual property rights, pleasecontact us with sufficient information to enable us to determine who the owner of the intellectual property is.If we form the reasonable belief that there has been an infringement, we will remove the infringing contentfrom our website.


We make reasonable efforts to maintain the security of our website. However, we do not guarantee thesecurity of our website, records or your data.

We accept no liability for any computer virus or technological problems arising from your use of our websitethat we do not intentionally cause or that are beyond our control. You are encouraged to install and maintainup-to-date security software on your devices.

Continuous accessibility to the website is dependent upon third party services as well as our own internaloperations. As a result, the website may be inaccessible from time to time.

Limitation of liability

We will not be liable to you or any other person in any way for any damages whatsoever arising as a result ofyour use of our website or the outcome for any agreements you enter into through our website, subject toAustralian Consumer Law.

Where warranties are implied by law, you acknowledge and agree that our total aggregate liability is limited atour discretion to the provision of our services again, or to a refund equal to the total amount paid by you forthose services, even if that amount is zero.

This limitation of liability applies to the fullest extent permitted by law and survives any termination orexpiration of this agreement or your use of our website.


You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless against any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses(including without limitation court costs, arbitration costs and legal fees on a solicitor and own client basis)related to:

your unauthorised use of our website;

your breach of our terms; and or

any agreements you enter into through Automatorr.

Dispute resolution

If any dispute arises under our terms between you and Automatorr or you and another user, you agree to actreasonably and in good faith to try and resolve the dispute. We require you to give us written notice of thedispute.

If the dispute is not resolved within 30 days of us receiving the written notice, the dispute will be finallyresolved by commercial arbitration. Either party to the dispute may make a referral to commercial arbitrationby giving written notice to the other party.

The arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the Australian Centre for InternationalCommercial Arbitration (ACICA). Those rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference to this clause:

Each party will bear their own costs of the dispute and share equally in the costs of the arbitrator and any

required venue, except that the arbitrator may require payment of the prevailing party’s reasonableattorneys’ fees by the other party.

The arbitration will be conducted by a single arbitrator independent of the parties and at a fee agreed by

the parties.

The seat of the arbitration will be Sydney, Australia.

Applicable law

This agreement is governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia. You agree to be subject to theexclusive jurisdiction and the courts of New South Wales if there was a serious dispute between us.

Use of this website is unauthorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of our terms,including without limitation this paragraph. If you are resident in a jurisdiction where the use of this website isunauthorized, it is your responsibility to stop using this website.


You agree that no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between you andAutomatorr as a result of this agreement or your use of our website.


If any part of these terms and conditions is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, then the invalid orunenforceable provision will be severed, and the remainder of the terms and conditions will continue in effect.


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Robotic Process Automation

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